Sunday, September 21, 2014

Easy Peasy Sunday No-Thanks

This Sunday we decided to do a No-Thanks entry. This will be a new one for us. 
It is not very difficult for me to do a No-Thanks entry eventhough I am by nature a loving kitty. I say No-Thanks to going to see Adrian, my osteopath. Eventhough he is very nice I really like staying home much better. I am a homebody. I told my friend Fern this but Fern told me san says the reason I feel better in my muscles is because Adrian helps me with making sure my spine is well all the time. I don't believe that but I will let it pass.  I also say No-Thanks to my brother, the orange cat. He seems a little slow in learning lessons about respecting others. 
This list is a simple one fur me. I say No-Thanks to the white comcat who is still in our house. I thought she was ok and then she went home. BUT she came back ! Why? She frightens me a little and I am a little afraid to go out or to walk around. I told my bruffer Totoro, that he should not send anymore cats to our house. I don't fink Totoro was listening to me. (In one of our sessions with Laura the animal communicator, about 2 years ago, he told Laura this to tell Totoro). I also say No-Thanks to timeouts. I can't help it if my sisfur likes quiet and being left alone. I like fun and energy and running after kitties. 
I am by nature a peace-loving kitty. The little white comcat is ok. She needs a place to rest for a bit and that is ok by me. She hisses a little when I go near her but I know it's because she is a little afraid so I eat in the living room. What I do not like is THUNDER and LIGHTNING. Last night there was so much rain and thunder and the flashes of lightening lit up my bedroom. Eventhough san drew the curtains, it did not stop the lightning from coming into our room and lighting it. I was so afraid that I had to hide under the dresser for 3 hours. I only came up to the bed to sleep at about 4.30 as I woke up san. Really someone should do something about THAT!
We had posted this pic last week but because we spent the whole entry on things we say No-Thanks to, san wants to remind us that we have so many things to be thankful about. but that would be for next Sunday as we have a routine of giving gratitude every two weeks (or so san thinks)

So maybe one thank you now. We thank all the kitties who had ever come to our blog just to read about us. It is good to know that we are part of a big community of cats and cat people and dog people and ok just everyone who loves animals and peace. 


  1. Nothing wrong with saying "no" to things...every kitty should know what they purrfur! Even if we *have* to do some of the not-so-fun stuff.

  2. No is a good word in my life. No to noisy people who won't let me get my beauty sleep. Happy Rest Day from Jessica

  3. Sometimes you just have to say "no," right? :)

    We are thankful for you, friends!
