Friday, March 19, 2010


Bujang stared at me from across the table. I think he was trying to hypnotise me into taking him out for a walk.... but...

he got a little tired and took a nap. After I had done some work, I thought I would take him out and put him in his harness and carrier and then...

It rained quite suddenly- large drops of water and there was no way we could get out. So I had to take him out of his carrier and gave him the bad news...

He didn't believe me and immediately jumped onto the cat gym to look out the window...

When he saw it was indeed raining, he took a nap which was the only sensible way to deal with weather. After about an hour, the rain stopped and I quickly brought him downstairs. I was afraid he would not step onto the grass even but I was wrong...

He fearlessly stepped onto wet grass and ate some too...

Then he got scared of the sound of heavy raindrops on the roof of the walkway. But that was just water from the trees and so we walked some more. But Bujang was not used to walking out with strange noises and ever sound made him uncertain.

THEN it rained again...and I have to bring him up :)
At least he got about 15 minutes downstairs. He is now asleep. I hope he is happy with his 15 minutes.

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