Saturday, November 18, 2006

Saturday morning stretch

Sunlight feels good...

Let's just sit and bask for a bit here...

Nothing like cleanliness to make me happy...

Yes...the tail too...don't you agree?


Time for a nap...

The amigos' Saturday morning is quiet and restful, spent grooming and sitting under the sun. They just rolled and sat under the bits of sun that came into the house. I hope the Wild Bunch is having a good Saturday too. :) I did not manage to get an appointment for Toro at the groomer's for today. Maybe he could go on Monday. The vet had sent a reminder for Akira's annual vaccination! Aiyoh...Ms Akira would not like it at all.

1 comment:

  1. But Miss Akira, it is for your own good....don't worry, it will be very quick.
