Sunday, January 08, 2012

Oh the Toroble!

This Sunday Toro was his usual self - looking out the window and feeling the soft breeze that came with the rain. Last Tuesday, he was not so calm. He had a some trouble peeing. At about 1240 am so he walked in and out of his (clean) litter for about 2 hours. I noticed he had a lot of trouble trying to pee and called the hospital immediately. after talking some time, I was assured that it was not an emergency (since he was eating and could finally pee a few drops) but it was urgent that I bring him to the clinic.

The next day I called the clinic but was advised by Dr T that I bring him straight to the hospital in case he was indeed blocked and I would have to hospitalize him. I did this and Dr K said that because it was his 3rd time in, I would have to allow for an operation so they can widen his urethra!! We spoke at length about his condition, his kidney stones, his behaviour the night before and Dr K an x-ray is called for as his bladder did not seem swollen. Then he had an ultra sound to check for the trouble by Dr Sabine!

Finally after what seemed like a long time, we found that one of his kidney stones had migrated through his urethra and was now in his bladder! His whole left urethra was irritated and inflamed and this made him want to pee all the time and therefore he strained quite a bit, with no pee. His bladder was empty of pee as well. Dr Sabine said his uroliths were still there so I guess the acidifier was not working at all and he does have oxalate crystals! She was quite relieved that the stone did not block the opening of his bladder and so were we all.

He was given one week's worth of antibiotics and 2 weeks worth of anti-inflammatory pills. He was also given an injection to help him with his irritated urethra. Finally when we got home, he immediately went to the litter and I saw this.
I was never so pleased to see cat pee before !:)
he is now feeling ok and peeing quite well. Dr K also recommended dou miao for fibre so he would not be constipated. I was not to give him any more pro-kaolin as that makes for constipation. I give him pro-kaolin as he used to vomit frequently and Dr H said all the meds could have irritated his stomach lining!
Sleepy Sunday with grandma

We are very glad that our friend Hat is feeling better with cat_aunty, after his harrowing experience with a swollen paw. The vet said, after they had cleaned and xray the paw that it was because of a rubberband! They estimated that the rubber band had been tied around his paw for 2 days!
The swollen paw after medication...

We suspect mischief and cat_aunty and uncle had warned the neighbours to watch out for this around the neighbourhood. It was lucky that Hat knew where to find help and that there were many people who had helped him. He is now recuperating to the disgust of Empress Spencer :)


  1. Poor Toro-Chan. That sounds very unpleasant and we're sorry you (and San) had to go through it although we are very glad you are feeling better and hope the meds will continue the good work.

    What a horribel story about the rubber band. There are some really nasty people out there...

    The Chans

  2. Whew! That was a close shave there with Totoro...we will purr that he feels better soon, and keeps peeing like a champ!

    And GREAT big purrs to Hat...poor kitty!

  3. We are glad Totoro is peeing, and we have our paws crossed that this will continue!

    Poor Hat! Purrs and prayers!!!

  4. Thank God Totoro is peeing and that you were able to get him help. About Hat, that sickens my heart but again, thank goodness he is helped. Kisses and more to both babies and love to all of you.

    Soon there will be another furbaby here to help me every day and I hope you wil come and see him or her when it is announced.

    Mom Carole
