Wednesday, September 04, 2019

Watch It Wednesday!

Rez up to his shenanigans again

Rezki is very good at playing pretend. I don't know where he got this particular skill from as he was a commcat before he came to live with us. Almost always he would be the one who would sneak on someone and without warning slap them  or he would just beat on the cubby repeatedly to the disgust of the kitty in it. Then as though he had done nothing wrong, he would move away or sit and pretend that all is right with the world.

In this picture, he came up onto the red chair and meditated whether it was worth his while to slap Bujang. But I saw him and called him name REZKI lou enough for Bujang to hear. He stiffened and decided just for that time, he would sit quietly and pretended to be looking at me instead. He is a real rascal and he wonders why no one wants to play with him.

1 comment:

  1. Rez, it's fun to be a rascal, but not if no one wants to play with you!
