Wednesday, May 25, 2011

What happened here?

Hmmm...Megat had a little accident last night after his meds and sang hwang. He managed to get 'rid' of his sang hwang soon after san put it in his b***. Then as san was inattentive (like many beans always are) he took a walk around her bedroom and on OUR new bed! Oh dear...we had little sang hwang deposits on the bed linen! Arghhhh...our new bed!
After san cleaned him up with warm water and salt as well as mango foam bath, he sat near the window to rest.
and groomed himself. san said he was just doing what a cat would do. He did not mean to drip sang hwang lingzhi all over our bed. san told grandma that she could wash the sheets many times but she only has one Megat! I think that meant san was not angry with Megat. _I_ would have told him off if he had done that to my favourite seat!

Megat was very tired after his bath and wipe down and went to sleep. Meanwhile san had to change the sheets. She found one with stars on it. I like stars myself.

Yes, there was only me on the bed as I got up first to smell the fresh sheets and I told san that it did not smell of sang hwang lingzhi at all from Megat's b***. Hahaha...


  1. Poor baby Megat but your mom knows what is important. You two. I know Megat was not meaning for that to happen.

  2. Accidents do happen. In a house with eleven cats, we have them often but they usually involve hairballs. Megat looks very sweet sleeping like that. The poor guy must have been very tired.

  3. Poor Megat! Well, accidents sometime happen. :(

  4. Anonymous7:00 PM

    We too have hairball incidents. Hairballs are a blessing because it means not renal failure. Glad to wash up ; )
