Sunday, July 12, 2020

Easy Peasy Sunday

We were at the park around 7ish this morning. We were glad to be there before the sun got too hot. There were many people running so it was safer for us to be in our stroller. This is my favourite park when san used to bring me for walks but now we only sit in the stroller as san suspects that I got sick from walking about here.  Just as long as I do not walk on the grass, san thinks its ok. 

san made us take a picture here as she liked the way the trees look. She was waiting for the man in red to move away but he suddenly began to walk about in circles so she just took the pic. When I saw the picture I told san the man in red was a good addition. We had a nice morning and we are grateful for that.

1 comment:

  1. How nice that you and san got to go outside before it got too hot. We agree ... the man in red adds something to this nice photo. :)
