Friday, August 05, 2016


...Round and round and round we go...

It is not often these days that Rez sits on my bed and plays by himself. These days he prefers snooper vising and looking out of windows. Unfortunately there is still very little interest shown by people to adopt the little guy but he will be with us until that happens. And yes, Poppy still hates his guts!


  1. Anonymous6:44 PM

    Well done chasing the boogie cat around and under the blankie, Rez.
    Have a good weekend to all the kitties and Popps, don't hate Rez's guts tooooo much ok? :)

  2. Rez is totally adorable. Of course, Popps is jealous. That's understandable...

    The Chans

  3. We just love dear Rez! What a cutie!
    Popps is very possessive of her beloved home. Maybe Fern can reassure her.

  4. I am sure the right person and forever home is waiting for dear Rezki. He really is such a handsome fellow. Thank you for giving hi much love and care. From Eileen and Holly

  5. Rez sure is cute. We bet Popps feels insecure that there is another adorable cat there.
