Saturday, November 30, 2024

Happy Days

 San came home from the Big Vet yesterday. She spent 1.5 days there getting help for a lung infection and water in her lungs. It was lucky that the vet found the strain of bacteria that infected her lungs and gave her the right antibiotics. Cousin R came to take care of us when she was not about so we were not frightened. SAN has never left us by ourselves at night so we were thankful that she was able to get this help. She was grateful as well but she has a mountain of meds. I am glad we only have boxes of chicken and tuna. I sat with her at breakfast and am now getting much needed sleep. 

Wednesday, November 20, 2024

Birds of the rainforest

Relaxing and watching the strange-looking birds of the rainforest, I think it's because they have never seen these birds from their windows. Now, if the birds were pigeons, there would have been a lot of hunting going on.

Friday, November 15, 2024

I am a princess!

san asked me why I kept meowing the whole of last night. She said she had a hard time trying to get some sleep. I told her that I couldn't help it if I was a princess! She had to get used to these things if she brought a princess home.

Thursday, November 14, 2024

Hanging out with san

San came home early today, before even 12 clock. So I decided to sit with her to see if she would give us lunch. But of cos san is a stickler for the time and told me that lunch is at 12.30. She is a difficult one!

Tuesday, November 12, 2024

Tuesday with the sisters

 Sometimes birds come close to the window and use the sill as perches. At these times there would be a long period of hide and seek. They move like ninjas. 

Saturday, November 09, 2024

Our thoughts exactly

 M: it’s important to be nice  with everyone. Then they will give you the best things.

s: Gimme your chicken!

m: Err…okay

MJ: hahahahaha

Wednesday, November 06, 2024

Wednesday with the 3 amigos

 As usual san went to work much later today. So we had some time to rest and relax with her. We watched  some pigeons on tee-vee and listened to some reiki music. But there is nothing better than  relaxing early in the morning. 

Monday, November 04, 2024

Sunday, November 03, 2024

False Pretences

san said no one can get angry when they see toe  beans.  Today is the second day that we have our own pages. I told her it’s not so fair if it’s only my toes and no one would know it was   me. san also wanted me to tell you that we are grateful that you came to see us. She said the reason she didn’t leave anything on your pages is because Blogger told her 1001 times that she has no right to leave anything much less comments  and she has to be anonymous wherever she goes. 

Saturday, November 02, 2024

It’s me Sky!

 San said it would be nice for us to appear by ourselves once in while instead of as a group. I had some chicken this morning and tried to eat some from Momo’s plate as well. Momo is a little silly and she always gives me her food.