Friday, March 21, 2025

Monday, March 17, 2025

Queen Mochi the First

Chris chatted with Manju about his stomach problems when he suddenly told us that ‘Momo told us she is Queen’.  but ‘no one takes her seriously’ . It was his way of distracting us. But she does act like a diva!

Tuesday, March 11, 2025

Sisters on Tuesday

These days I sleep near my sister Sky, on the couch next to san. So sometimes all of us will sit or nap near each other. Even Manju sometimes sits with us although he tends to disturb us more than rest. 

Tuesday, March 04, 2025

Cat games for supercats.

 These days Sky tells san it is time for cat games. We usually get to play when san comes home from work and she puts on a game for us for 10 minutes while she puts her books down or makes herself some tea. It’s always fun although san tells us not to break the screen. We try to be careful but sometimes it’s impossible.  

Sunday, March 02, 2025


Ramadhan is here again but thank goodness I do not have to fast. I ate a whole can of chicken and also ate some of my sisters’ food as san forgot to put the latch on my gate. San didn’t fast today as her doctor told her she could not be hungry or she might have to go to the Big Vet. She just thinks she needs to eat differently though. I told her she should leave my diet alone. 

Saturday, March 01, 2025

I am better !

 Nowadays I eat all of my food as I feel well. San gives me only 1/2 a can in the morning and I get 1/2 for lunch and dinner. She feels I should take it easy. But this morning I was very hungry and ate 1 can for breakfast. The vet thinks it’s a matter of my digestion and gave me probiotics that I have to take for the long term. I also got some mirtapazine in case I am off my food again but I only take it if I have an appetite problem. He also told san  to use Nex Guard on me as mite prevention. Since I had put on weight,  I didn’t have to do any labs. But the vet told san that if this problem crops up again and I lose weight as well, then it would be time for investigations. 

Monday, February 24, 2025

The vet again?

I went to the vet again this afternoon as I had loose stools and didn’t feel like eating. Yesterday I didn’t eat at all and had a few kibbles at night. The vet said as I weigh more than the last time I was there, he was not worried. He gave me a probiotic, transdermal mirtapazine and new mite control so he could keep tabs on it. When I came home I ate more of my food. San was surprised. So was I.


Thursday, February 20, 2025

Just Because

The noise from the corridor being washed always surprises the kitties.  

Saturday, February 08, 2025

Saturday at home

Momo sat here quietly listening to the sounds of cooing. We have not seen the pigeons yet but we hear the cooing almost every day, sometimes from the corridor garden as well. 

Thursday, February 06, 2025

Just Because

These days Manju can usually be found at this window especially in the mornings as I am still  on hospitalisation leave. He loves the smell of mornings.